Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to install RMagick Gem on Ubuntu?

To install RMagick with image magick on ubuntu is very simple you just need to run three commands from your terminal. Just make sure that you have install ruby and rubygem.

Once your ruby and rubygem is install run the following command.
1. sudo apt-get install imagemagick
2. sudo apt-get install libmagick9-dev
3. sudo gem install rmagick

Thats it and Rmagick in installed on your ubuntu environment.


anp said...

great man its working .thanks

anp said...

hi this is very useful for our team thanks

Ghanshyam rathod said...

thanks yar pls updates usefull code of more gems and plugins.

Ravikanth Nawada said...

Thank you Dude by studying your blog iam able to install Rmagick.....thanks a lot